Saturday 27 December 2008

BEST EVER GIFT: Tim answered my question!!!


Yesterday was a day I'll never forget. I was told my question was answered in BTIS's podcast. Being known to have bad luck at this kind of events, I doubted it. While I was listening, some kind of hope and LOT of fear invaded me.
07:34 arrived and I listened something that sounded like my name (lol) My hert almost stopped. Chris said: "This question is from Isabella Loupez Rice-Oxley (in front of him!!!) and it's a massive coincidence cos she's from Peru (Tim laughs)"

Well, I asked about the peruvian instrument called "Peruvian Cajón", just wanted to know who recommended to him or how they came up with that idea. He said he didn't remenber (lol) but it mIght has been taken from a band (don't catch the name sorry) it's a cool thing to do for playing accoustic shows and for Richard's options (something like that).

This third part has more interesting questions you can not miss. Download it from

Can't believe Tim laughs at Isabella Lopez Rice-Oxley (OMG!!) He'll think I'm mad and pervert and pshyco (I'm just a fan) :P anyway, I'm happy I've got my first question answered since 2005!!


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